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Serres Van Laken Parkeren

Parking Regulations Enforced for Croky Cup Final

Plan Ahead for Traffic Restrictions

Laeken Royal Greenhouses Open Doors for Special Event

As anticipation builds for the Croky Cup final on Thursday, May 9, it's crucial for attendees to be aware of specific parking regulations and traffic arrangements implemented for the event. Certain designated areas will be restricted to ensure the safety and convenience of fans.

The Royal Greenhouses of Laeken, renowned for their architectural splendor and horticultural treasures, will exceptionally open their doors to the public for guided tours on this special occasion. However, due to the increased foot traffic expected, visitors are strongly advised to plan their arrival and departure in advance.

A significant increase in traffic is anticipated in the vicinity of the venue, and attendees are encouraged to utilize public transportation or designated parking areas. Detailed information regarding parking restrictions will be released closer to the event date to ensure proper dissemination and compliance.

By adhering to these regulations and planning accordingly, fans can contribute to a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants and spectators.
